
Jester's Comedy Club continues to entertain and draw large audiences by introducing top comic talent to Orange County, NY while working with citizens and organizations from the community to help promote topflight causes, both local and global.

Over the last few months, their comedy acts have been paired with fundraisers to raise money for local sports teams like the Tri-County Thunder Traveling Softball Team and Chester Football Team, to raise money for educational organizations like the Warwick Foundation for Excellence in Learning, whose mission is to foster and ensure that the arts remain strong in Warwick, as well as providing fundraising efforts for local PTA's and fire departments. 

According to Walt Popailo, co-founder of Jester's, "We're open to any individual or group approaching us with a fundraising idea. It's a win-win situation as we give back to the community who are interested in doing benefits for worthy causes. While we provide top comedy, $5 of every ticket we sell goes towards the fundraiser."

This Saturday night you can expect the same - great entertainment coupled with a great cause, this time serving a global effort to build schools in Haiti. Called H.E.A.R.T and initiated by organizer Maria Blon, the fundraiser promises another large audience with comics David Sayh and Peter Bayles providing the comic relief.

"David is a comic that was on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson," said Popailo, "and we're really lucky to have him. He just happens to live in upstate, NY, not too far from Jester's. Come on down and get  your fill of laughs. We can help build a school in Haiti."

For more information on promoting a hassle-free fundraising event, contact Jester's Comedy Club at 845 - 345 - 1039 and get it added to their comedy line-up and calendar.